Friday, January 30, 2009

Electing The New RNC Chair: MN Says More Of The Same

Consistent with their being part of the problem, Minnesota's two members of the Republican National Committee have announced their support of the current chair, Mike Duncan. Brave, these two.

And locally? Any braver? No indeed as they both are supporting Ron Carey's hand picked successor Tony Sutton.

Weak leadership in the MN GOP is premised on people having been around a long time and that very longevity being the (often sole) reason for promoting them. But the actual accomplishments of such people? How churlish to ask!

The base has grown tired of incompetents and seat warmers. Time for leadership.

1 comment:

  1. Just read your blog -

    Grow a pair. Run for something. Give a real "fuck you" to these people you're so discontent with and (gasp) win.
    I'm 95% sure you are a right-wing wack job living in the wrong state. Sure you hate baby-killers, want to bomb the shit out of Iran and think economic isolationism is the answer to our wall street/main street rhetoric woes. Well you're wrong on all accounts but for the sake of giving you something substatiary to think about here we go: The MNGOP could certainly use a lot of improvement - starting with a tech update. See there is no need to use an abacus to count yard signs anymore. We have devices that can do that for us. You want change? Here's what you need:

    -A tracking system that rivals FedEx
    -A flexible, adaptive strategic plan
    -A deep understanding that Minnesotans are passive-aggressive, keep to themselves, don't want to be called or knocked by anyone other than the candidate, and are Libertarians (political specrum - not party) who think they are DFL-ers.
    -A marketing campaign - not a political campaign... people are sick of political campaigns.
    -A face
    -A warm presence in the community - run the Susan G. Koman, Race for Life, and have a cook out at the Bascillica Block party. DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN POLITICS - Minnesota doesn't like politics. Minnesotans like people.
    Do that and we'll talk
